Treetops Collective Blog

This summer we helped three members of our teen cohort participate in the City of Grand Rapids’ Leadership and Employment, Achievement and Direction Program.
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By Jamee Kraai BraggVolunteer Coordinator It may not feel like spring yet in West Michigan, but we know it's coming. We're getting little glimpses of it in the yellow and purple crocus flowers popping up out of slowly thawing ground. Around here, we're...
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All month long, we've celebrated #WomenWho inspire, lead, create, persist, love, build, dream… the many things women are and things women do everyday! Here are a few of the remarkable women who make our community the place that it is: Amina Mohamed...
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By Rita ZoumbatlisLooking around myself at Treetops Collective, I notice each woman I'm seated with – each representing her country and each with a unique background, story, voice, and creativity. We smile as we catch each other’s gazes, looking at...
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We recently sat down with one of our Sister Circles' volunteer, Teresa, to learn more about why she felt called to get involved with Treetops Collective. Treetops Collective (TC): What led you to sign up for the Sister Circles program? Teresa:...
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