What Are You Waiting For?

By Jamee Kraai Bragg
Volunteer Coordinator
It may not feel like spring yet in West Michigan, but we know it's coming. We're getting little glimpses of it in the yellow and purple crocus flowers popping up out of slowly thawing ground. Around here, we're doing some spring cleaning—clearing out the cabinets, organizing files in the office, cleaning up fabric scraps and scrubbing the kitchen. Spring is a great time to make everything feel fresh and new, to re-start old hobbies, and to start something new.
Consider how you could start something new and inspiring this Spring by helping create a more welcoming community.
Current Projects & Opportunities
- Join us for a Garden Work Day on April 14 10am-12pm. Or sign up to garden with us every week this growing season! Click here for more info.
- Help us share the Treetops Collective story by designing a robust Google Slides presentation for us to use at meetings, with donors, and at conferences. (3-5 hours, on your own time)
- Give refugee women rides to and from ESL class (1-2 times per week until May 24)
- Give refugee folks rides to a garden plot and garden with them if you'd like (1-2 times per week, season-long commitment)
- Hang out with us at our Makerspace counting/checking inventory levels (2-4 hrs, April 11 opportunity)
- Help walk refugee girls through college applications and finding scholarships (flexible hrs)
- Help tag social enterprise products in our makerspace (1-2 hrs, as needed)
- Sign up to run our retail space during open hours (checking out customers, re-stocking inventory, organizing etc.) (3 hrs at a time)
- Sign up to run our booth at a sales event in the community (examples: Eastown Street Fest, Shop Hops etc.) (3+ hrs at a time)
- Help Nadia transport her pottery to be fired in the kiln (1 hr, as needed)
Ready to jump in? Connect with jamee@treetopscollective.org. Or join us at our next Volunteer Info Meeting May 23, 7:00pm at Treetops Collective, Click here for more info.
#CelebrateSpring #SpreadWelcome