Treetops Collective Blog

Treetops Collective is delighted to announce the commitment of two donor-funded grants to local immigrant-led nonprofit organizations ImmiGreatness and Michigan Transportation Center for Immigrant and Refugees! Learn more about these two organizations and our runner up Puertas Abiertas and how you...
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This blog is part of our Building to Belong series, sharing additional insight into what the cross-cultural community center established through our capital campaign will mean for our West Michigan community. If you have not read our inaugural blog in...
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Our newest neighbors often struggle to feel at home in West Michigan. It will take our entire community to change that story.
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Written by Abigail Punt, Development Director This post is intended to be a conversation starter, a tool for our community to use as we explore the opportunities to support work we care about and invest in creative solutions through charitable...
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I think I was about six years old when I first realized that everything my family had was made possible by the generosity of others. Not in a cliché or inauthentic way, but in a very tangible way. My dad...
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